Discover the Perfect Fusion of Style & Comfort
Any Size. Any Width. Any Style. Unlocks a world of benefits with properly fitted shoes!
We heard it all…
Tired of that endless hunt to find my size & width?
Fed up with shoes pinching your sides?
Bunions making shoe shopping a challenge?
Not sure what shoes would be best for my arch type?
Got orthotics but finding no matching footwear?
Real Stories , Real people
" Exceptional Comfort and Style"
Source: ProMotion Google Reviews
" Exceptional Comfort and Style"
Source: ProMotion Google Reviews
" Exceptional Comfort and Style"
Source: ProMotion Google Reviews
Every day we are asked
" Is this covered by my INSURANCE?"
Every day we are asked
" Is this covered by my INSURANCE?"
Let's go over some of the most common terminology" used by insurance companies when talking about Orthopeadic shoes!
Off the Shelf (OTS)
Modified Orthopaedic Shoes
Custom Made Shoe
Custom Made Footwear is made from scratch and cost will depend on the requirements for the device in question. (please note that we recommend estimate).
Custom Made Shoes start at $1800 per pair
let's talk about what you need to get covered!
Prescription (Rx)
All insurance companies require prescription from your family doctor so you can get reimbursed. You can get a prescription before you visit our clinic, or we can contact your doctor on your behalf.
Frequency / Reset Date
Once again this is specific to your providers. In our experience most insurance companies offer orthopeadic shoes once a year. For example, OTIP and Barrie Transit.
Total Amount Covered
Custom-made footwear begins at around $1,800 and can go over $3,000, depending orthopedic shoes usually cost between $180 and $300. It's important to be aware of these price ranges, especially if your insurance coverage for 'orthopedic footwear' is limited to $250. Knowing which type you're referring to is crucial!
Direct Billing
Some insurance companies and plans permit us to bill them directly for your orthopaedic shoes, but most DO NOT. To get detailed information about your plan, we recommend contacting your insurance company. Examples for Direct Billing would be Green Shield, SSQ, ODSP and Veterans Affairs.